Email: - Ph: 206 972 2514
Email: - Ph: 206 972 2514
During your current contract term if you feel you are not getting what you bargained for, then contact us for a no cost discussion. We need to understand your situation, business initiatives and timelines.
We will review your documents and schedule a short conference call to discuss your situation and potential cost savings. Our goal is to build a game plan with you, so you can achieve your desired results.
Some common areas of opportunity have to do with “downsizing” or “buyout” requests by customers.
We will renegotiate any desired changes with your current vendor as part of our service offering.
Even if only a few things can be done on your current lease, we will be in position to prevent the same situation from happening on your new lease or contract.
Prior to signing a new contract, contact us for our services.
Analyze your current situation. Most vendors will provide an analysis for you free of charge. Always get a lease and cash price regardless of how you will end up financing the transaction.
Contact us during this time period so we can get you positioned for a fair contract: pricing, terms and structure.
We will send you a checklist to get from your vendor of choice and request that you send us all contractual documents you are being asked to sign.